Welcome to
New Faith
Presbyterian Church
of Houston

Korean Faith Presbyterian Church of Houston (PCA) is deeply rooted in Reformed theology and inspired by the Puritan tradition. Our mission is to proclaim the true gospel of the cross to this generation and to pray for a worldwide revival in these critical times.
We aim to be a church led by Jesus Christ, not by human efforts or ambitions. Our desire is to glorify God alone, focusing on His work rather than human accomplishments.
We prioritize worship that centers on God, lifting Him up and honoring His holiness and glory. Our teaching is grounded in God’s truth and reflects His heart and will. We are dedicated to loving and serving the people God cares about—especially the poor, the marginalized, and the forgotten. We strive to build a community that mirrors the early Church, where people shared their lives and resources sacrificially.
We also have a strong passion for missions. We actively visit and support mission fields in Africa, South America, and Asia, spreading the message of revival. In addition, we provide resources, online mentoring, and encouragement for theology students, helping to ensure the gospel is shared around the world.
This is the mission God has given us, and we are committed to fulfilling it with joy and faithfulness.

sunday Worship
9:00 Am Family United Worship
Bilingual Service,

New Faith Presbyterian Church Sermons
Kingdom Gospel (20) “Proclaimed Throughout the Whole World” "모든 민족에게 증언되기 위하여" Rev. Jeremiah Kim

Kingdom Gospel (20) “Proclaimed Throughout the Whole World” "모든 민족에게 증언되기 위하여" Rev. Jeremiah Kim

Kingdom Gospel (19) “But Few Are Chosen” "택함을 입은 자는 적으니라" Rev. Jeremiah Kim

“Christ Crucified” "십자가에 못 박힌 그리스도" Rev. Jeremiah Kim

Kingdom Gospel (18) “The Kingdom Will Be Taken Away” "하나님의 나라를 너희는 빼앗기고" Rev. Jeremiah Kim

Kingdom Gospel (17) “You Go into the Vineyard Too” "너희도 포도원에 들어가라" Mt 20:6-7 Rev. Jeremiah Kim